Snow Play

Snow Play

Snow play activity ideas

Snow! It’s a wonderful thing and always brings back lots of memories from being a child! Playing in the snow, getting hold fingers and then coming in for a warm up with a hot Ribena!! Amazing!

Therefore I will always prioritise playing in the snow over many other things! It’s such a great thing to play with and plenty of learning can come from snow play! Chat about weather climates, animals and people that live in those climates, freezing, melting, weather,

Snow play activity ideas


So I thought I’d share some super quick and easy ways you can play in the snow at home! So wrap up warm and head for a fun day of play! 

1. Paint it!

water down some paint and head outside to paint the white snow lots of colours

2. Cook it!

Not literally but take out pots and spoons for lots of snow cooking play! Fab on your mud kitchen too!

3. Shape it!

explore full cookie cutters or play dough cutters in the snow and make shapes.

4. Small World Play!

add little plastic people, vehicles and animals for some role play!

5. Sweep it!

explore brushing it with sweeping brushes! Those big movements are good for little bodies!

Snow play activity ideas weather

6. build it!

use sand tray moulds to create fun constructions with it!

7. Spray it!

fill spray bottles with colour water to make pictures and patterns on the snow.

8. Face it!

Add Mr potatoe head pieces to the snow to create some funny faces!

9. Stick it!

collect sticks, leaves and stones to make natural faces in the snow!

10. Bring it in!

My favourite is always bring a big tray or pan of it indoors so that little ones can still enjoy it even when they’ve got too cold outside!

And remember babies can enjoy the snow safely too! Just add a handful of snow to a ziplock bag or clear plastic bottle and secure with tape so they can play safely and feel the cold without putting it in their

Snow play ideas outdoors garden winter activity baby

And for lots more simple ways to play with nature, check out our OUTDOOR playPROMPTS activity cards which contain 100 simple ways to play outside, whatever the weather! 

And after all that cold snow play, now it’s time for a hot Ribena and warm up on the

Snow play activity ideas

Happy Playing!


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