Toy Rotation
Hands up if your house is currently swamped in toys. Yep?! Yeah me too. Mason's birthday is two weeks before Christmas during the month of December our house is suddenly awash with toys, toys and more toys. So I have a suggestion to keep on top of it all but I warn you there are several stages; making a start, wishing you'd never started and then relief when its done!!
Trust me it will be worth it, it just takes a bit of sorting. I'd suggest a Sunday and preferably when the kids aren't around because we just know they will want to play with EVERYTHING! So when the husband says he's going to take the dog out (which we all know if his way of escaping and getting some one-to-one time with his beloved sports updates) why not suggest he takes the kids as well?!
Okay so now you have an empty house. Now this next step is important. It's something I've always done when cleaning and trust me, it really does make a difference.....put your trainers on!! Honestly, I'm not sporty at all but if I clean the house with my trainers on I suddenly come across all Sporty Spice and high kick my way around the house with a vacuum cleaner in tow feeling like I can achieve anything! It's a sight I can assure you!
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