Fill The Snowman
I love the simplicity of this activity but don’t let that fool you, so many skills are being developed whilst they play this one!
An empty clear bottle (with a wide neck for younger children!) to be filled up to look like a snowman!
Using a permanent marker pen, draw on a simple snowman face (or any face for that matter!) and invite your little one to fill it up with cotton wool balls, pom poms or like I have used balls of tissue paper!
For younger children I would encourage them to focus on the task using their hands particularly practising their pincer grip (thumb and first finger) or tripod grip (thumb, first and middle finger) to pick up the small items to drop with control into the neck of the bottle!
With older children if they have mastered their fine motor skills only then I would introduce tools such as tongs, tweezers or a soft opening peg!
All of these skills help to strengthen the hand muscles and gain control of hand eye coordination which then helps later in life when attempting to use a pen, scissors or tools with control!
For more activities to support fine motor skills, check out our LITTLE HANDS mini playPROMPTS here!
Happy Playing!