Preparing for Starting School in September
Probably one of the biggest milestones of being a parent is when our baby starts school!
It’s kind of a big deal, for you and for your child! And perhaps you, like me, are currently going through all of the motions leading up to the big day. You’ve applied for your child’s place, you’ve secured a school and now you are wondering nervously how you can help prepare them for this massive next step!
I am very conscious that this can be an anxious time for parents (and children) and I definitely don’t want to panic anybody, so what I will say first and foremost is don’t worry (easier said than done I know). Schools are very good at helping to support children as they transition and will always ensure their needs are met. However, there are a few things you can do and some good habits you can encourage, over the next few months to help your child feel a little more ready for starting school.....