Reindeer Treasure Basket

Reindeer treasure basket
I love using treasure baskets to bring books and story time to life! A few carefully selected props can really make any story much more interactive especially for young children who struggle to sit still long enough to focus on the story!
Here’s what I used to create a Reindeer treasure basket:
  • a flat basket
  • Usborne ‘That’s not my reindeer’ book
  • Bath mitt puppet
  • a carrot
  • sticks for antlers
  • red felt balls
  • a clear container with a plastic reindeer hidden in snow aka rice

Lots of sensory elements for a little one to fiddle with as you share the story together!

 Story mini playPROMPTS activity cards

For more simple ideas to bring story time to life, check out our story mini playPROMPTS here!