the playHOORAY! easy, no cook, never fails play dough recipe!!

the playHOORAY! easy, no cook, never fails play dough recipe!!

here's my recipe for play dough!

I created it when Mason was tiny and have used it ever since. It's the simplest play dough recipe I have ever done and thank goodness it doesn't need to be cooked!! It smells gorgeous and really moisturising for little hands. I have designed it to be as easy as possible, hence all measurements in cups!

Please note: this recipe contains coconut oil so please check for allergies and due to the high salt content it is NOT safe for children to eat!

play dough and stones

You will need:


1. mix the flour, salt and cream of tartar

2. I like to warm the coconut oil in my hands to remove any lumps but not essential! Add coconut oil to the bowl of dry ingredients

3. Pour out the pre-boiled water. Mix your desired amount of food colouring into the boiled water to create an even spread of colour. When using Sugarflair, a pea sized lump is plenty for a vibrant colour!

4. bit by bit add it to the mixture. Keep mixing until it creates a nice play dough consistency. If a little oily, sprinkle in more flour a small amount at a time.

This will make a beautifully smelling and soft to touch play dough.

Adding smells using herbs, spices or essential oils can also be really effective!

mud play dough set up

And if you are looking for ways to jazz up for play dough invitations, the playHOORAY! website offers mini packs of play dough playPROMPTS for simple ideas using items you probably already have around the house!

Click below to browse!

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